When God Speaks

Many years ago I had a very vivid dream. I was on the lookout deck of the Toronto Dominion Tower which at that time was the highest building in Toronto. It was at a very trying time in my life and in my dream I was walking alone around the observation deck feeling lost and afraid. Presently, a faceless male figure came alongside me and held my right hand. At his touch, my body tingled from head to toe and I felt it was Jesus by my side.

I awoke, still tingling, feeling less distressed and somewhat comforted. That dream with its surge of feeling has always stayed with me.

Recently I read in Isaiah 41:13 – For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, “Do not fear, I will help you.”

It brought back that dream one hundredfold.

Please forgive me if I have blogged something like this in the past but it just boggles my mind when and how God speaks. Happy Sunday.

Image result for jesus holding my hand




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